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Commercial Waste Management 

What is commercial waste? 

Commercial waste is any waste produced by a business on its premises. So, whether you run a trade site, an office, a recreation center, educational premises, or an entertainment establishment — all the waste produced by these places is classed as commercial.


Business waste also includes that resulting from construction, agriculture, industry, and demolition. There is often confusion around what waste types fall under the commercial category. So essentially any waste produced by a business — including (but not limited to) paper, cardboard, cans, retail packaging, and food wrappers — is commercial waste. 

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What responsibility do businesses have for commercial waste?


Businesses have a legal and environmental responsibility to properly manage commercial waste. Improper disposal can lead to fly-tipping or accumulation in landfills, contributing to air, water, and soil pollution. This not only harms the environment but also affects wildlife on land and in the oceans. To prevent these issues, businesses should work with reputable waste management companies, such as RPGLOBALSERVICES, for regular waste collection and disposal.

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Pilling Up

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Management

Construction and demolition (C&D) waste is generated from construction, renovation, repair, and demolition of houses, large building structures, roads, bridges, piers, and dams. C&D waste is made up of wood, steel, concrete, gypsum, masonry, plaster, metal, and asphalt.


 The following table summarizes the type of waste, legal classification, and examples:

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